A Survival Guide for General Conference: Saturday Morning Session (Oct 2021)
This series will be a cheat sheet guide for people who would prefer not to watch all of General Conference. Now you can have some points to discuss with your TBM family or friends where necessary and gives you the option to choose which talks you want to listen to (if any).
Saturday Morning Session
Session conducted by: Henry B. Eyring - Second Councillor, First Presidency
Session Choir: Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
Invocation (opening prayer): Jeremy R. Jaggi
Benediction (closing prayer): Amy A. Wright
Songs sung:
From all the dwelling below the skies
Come Ye Children of the Lord
Jesus the Very Thought of Thee
Let Us All Press On
I Will Follow God’s Plan
My Redeemer Lives
Opening speech: Henry B. Eyring - Second Councillor, First Presidency
Key Points:
General conference taking place back in the Conference Centre (although numbers are more limited due to continued constraints of COVID-19)
Condolances for Dean M Davies passed away on August 31st 2021
Safe medical practices were put in place for the choir members who were all vaccinated and recently tested to make sure the were not infected
First Speaker: Russell M. Nelson - President (Skip to 12:17 for this talk) - ‘Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine and Pure Revelation’
Key Points:
We have all been on his mind over the last 6 months and he has been praying intently for this conference would be a time of revelation and reflection for all
Thanks for following the guidelines of medical professionals.
Never been a time in the history of the world where knowledge of our saviour is more personally vital and relevant to every human soul.
Invite to listen to 3 for three things during conference:
Pure Truth - Contrary to the doubts of some there really is such a thing as right and wrong. There really is absolute truth. What you will hear today and tomorrow constitutes pure truth
Pure Doctrine of Christ - The doctrine of Christ is powerful and changes the lives of everyone who understands it and seeks to implement it in his/her life. The doctrine of christ helps us find and stay on the covenant path, staying on that narrow but well-defined path will ultimately qualify us to receive all that God has. Nothing could be worth more than all our Father has
Pure Revelation - The question in your heart will make this Conference rewarding and unforgettable. Seek for the ministering of the Holy Ghost to hear what you need to hear. Make this Conference a time of feasting on messages from the Lord through his servants and learn how to apply them in your life.
“Imagine how quickly the devastating conflict and those in our individual lives would be resolved if we all choose to follow Jesus Christ and his teachings”
“This is the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints. We are his covenant people. the Lord declared he would hasten his work in its time and he is doing so at an ever-increasing pace. We are privileged to participate in his holy work”.
“Please make this conference a time of feasting on messages from the Lord through His servants. Learn how to apply them in your life. … I invoke a blessing upon all who are seeking greater light, knowledge and truth.”
Second Speaker: Jeffrey R. Holland - Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (Skip to 17:36 for this talk) - ‘The Greatest Possession’
Topic(s): Follow Christ, be willing to give up everything for him, divine help is there for those who change their ways, we should be like one people and give up “limiting labels” to just be God’s children, regardless of the cost we must take up the cross and follow Christ
Key Points:
Speaks about the “rich young ruler” who came to Jesus and asked what was needed to inherit eternal life (he is speaking of the bible story in Matthew 19:21-22). When Jesus asked the young ruler to sell all his belongings, give the proceeds to the poor, and then take up his cross and follow him. The young man got cold feet and went away sorrowing as he had great possessions.
This [the story of the rich young ruler] is an important cautionary tale about the uses of wealth and the needs of the poor.
Quotes C.S Lewis (from his book Mere Christianity - Strike though text was not mentioned as part of the quote) “Give me all. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work. I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half measures are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don’t want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.”
When difficult things are asked of us, even things contrary to the longing of our heart. Remember that loyalty we pledge to the cause of Christ is to be the supreme devotion of our lives.
We must be prepared to have our devotion to Christ cost no less than everything.
There is divine help available to every person who makes a change in their behaviour.
Mentions the time in the Book of Mormon where there was peace among the people as they cast off their labels and choose to be the Children of Christ (Mosiah 4)
Take up the cross of Christ, however demanding it may be.
Quotes from hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing to end talk
“Ultimately it [the story of the rich young ruler] is a story about wholehearted, unreserved devotion to divine responsibility. With or without riches each of us is to come to Christ with the same un-compromised commitment to His gospel as was expected of this young man”
“In the Kingdom of God there can be no halfway measures, no starting and stopping, no turning back. to those who requested permission to bury a deceased parent, or at least say goodbye to other family members, Jesus’s reply was demanding and unequivocal, leave that to others. No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of God”
“when the love of God set the tone for our own lives, our own relationships to each other and ultimately our feeling for all mankind, then old distinctions, limiting labels, and artificial divisions begin to pass away and peace increases”
“When difficult things are asked of us, even things contrary to the longings of our heart, remember that the loyalty we pledge to the cause of Christ is to be the supreme devotion of our lives.”
Personal Synopsis:
I really struggled to listen to this talk. I feel that there was a motivation behind him being selected to speak second (related to the very public criticisms he faced over the BYU talk). It seems like what Holland is trying to say is that regardless of personal feelings or relationships that those who want to follow christ need to be prepared to walk away from everything.
This is not a moral or kind teaching, it is manipulative and controlling. I personally feel this was aimed directly at the LGBTQ+ community that he has a vendetta against. Regardless of the audience in mind it is still going to damage relationships and leave members who are questioning their faith in a terrible position.
I also found his mentioning of the cautionary tale about the uses of wealth and the needs of the poor very ironic considering the wealth that the Church has accumulated.
Third Speaker: Bonnie H. Cordon - Young Women General President (Skip to 30:15 for this talk) - ‘Come Unto Christ, and Don’t Come Alone’
Topic(s): the Lord has a plan for you, know who you are, know your divine purpose, come unto Christ, minister to family and friends to lead them to Christ
Key Points:
Testify that the Lord has a plan for you.
There are two simple truths that are foundational to our grand and glorious work:
You need to know who you are - A cherished beloved child of God. He loves you perfectly and his love is unfailing. This will help you push back the confusion of the world that tries to weaken your confidence in your divine identity and blind you of your potential.
You need to know your purpose - This is a grand and noble charge. Sometimes we get distracted as to why we are here and divert our energies somewhere else.
Study your Patriarchal Blessing. If you don’t have one then get one soon so you know what the Lord wants to tell you about who you are
Our eternal purpose is to come to Christ and to actively join him in his great work
Seek to draw closer to the Saviour through faith, cherished repentance, and keeping the Commandments.
Book of Mormon story about Jesus spending time with the Nephites and healing them. Nothing is too big or small for him to heal.
Who will you bring to Christ? Make sure no one is missed and that everyone is invited to come to know him.
Young women and young men should start now in your own home and pray how you can support your parents to come to Christ. do the same for friends and neighbours.
“One of Satan’s most powerful weapons is to distract us with good and better causes, which in times of need may blind and bind us away from the best cause. The very work that called us into this world. Our eternal purpose is to come to Christ and to actively join him in his great work”
“The Savior’s love for us is unfailing – even when we fail! Nothing can separate us from the love of God.”
“As we bind ourselves to Him through covenants and ordinances our lives are filled with confidence, protect, and deep and lasting joy”
“Come unto Christ. Come now, but don’t come alone".
Personal Synopsis:
People are more than their beliefs. Who you are is not about whether you believe in God or not, but about what you feel and know about yourself. This takes a long time to learn and can be constantly changing. I personally do not believe that we have a “divine purpose”, we are here on the Earth right now and that is really all that matters. We should be making the most of this life and not worrying about what is to come. Spend time with the people you love, and that love you. Do things that bring you joy, and try to do things that give joy to others.
Do not feel that your only purpose in this life is to minister or save the lives of others. You can only control your own actions and responses. Examine what you know and seek to find the truth in the world. Be sceptical. Learn that it is okay to be wrong sometimes. Make mistakes and learn from them. You do NOT need a patriarch to tell you your purpose in life, the fun of living is discovering this for yourself.
Fourth Speaker: Ulisses Soars - Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (Skip to 40:27 for this talk)- ‘The Savior’s Abiding Compassion’
Topic(s): Treating others with compassion, not judging others,
Key Points:
Talks about the woman who came and washed Jesus’s feet while he was dining with the Pharisees (story found in Luke 7:36-50)
Jesus helped those who were suffering. He extended his hand to those who needed relief from their burdens, both physically and spiritually
A story about a young girl born with a cleft lip and palate. This girl and her parents seek to give support to others in similar circumstances who need encouragement. They feel that they ease their own pain everything they offer relief to someone else in pain.
We can be instruments in the Lord's hands to soften hearts and bring relief to those whose heads hang down.
Don’t make harsh or cruel judgements to neighbours because we are all in need of mercy and understanding for our imperfections
We should plead at Jesus’ feet for mercy for our own imperfections rather than spending time and energy fixating on the perceived imperfections of others
“Many people within our circle of influence are seeking comfort, attention, inclusion, and any help that we can offer them. We all can be instruments in the Lord's hands and act compassionately towards those in need just as Jesus did”
“In order to qualify ourselves to make righteous judgements, we must strive to become like the Savior and look at the imperfections of individuals compassionately.”
“As we intentionally strive to incorporate a compassionate attitude into our way of life as exemplified by the Saviour we become more sensitive to people’s needs. With the increased sensitivity feelings of genuine interest and love will permeate our every action”
Personal Synopsis:
I actually enjoyed this talk for the most part. It is probably one of the best talks giving throughout the conference because it focuses more on people being kind to each other instead of being judgemental. That is a sentiment I can get behind even as a non-believer
Fourth Speaker: D. Todd Christofferson- Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (Skip to 57:05 for this talk)- ‘The Love of God’
Topic(s): the plan of redemption, reject evil/choose good, repentance,
Key Points:
Jesus died for our sins.
Plan of salvation and how Jesus volunteered himself to come to earth and sacrifice himself
We can call upon God even when we feel unworthy. The more we depend on God’s love the less we depend on the approval of others to guide us
Salvation and God’s blessings are conditional. We can#t come to God’s Kingdom as we are, our sins must be resolved first
Quotes From Hollands BYU talk about God’s love
The way of the world is anti-Christ or anything but Christ.
World philosophy justifies committing a little or a lot of sin but none can offer redemption. This only comes through the blood of the lamb.
All the anti-Christ or anything but repentance crowd can offer is the unfounded claim that sin does not exist or that if it does exist that ultimately it has no consequences.
“the way of the world as you know is anti-christ or anything but Christ. Our day is a replay of Book of Mormon history in which charismatic figures pursue unrighteous dominion over others, celebrate sexual licence, and promote accumulating wealth as the object of our existence”
“The best the ‘anything but Christ’ or ‘anything but repentance’ crowd can offer is the unfounded claim that sin does not exist, or that if it exists, it ultimately has no consequences. I can’t see that argument getting much traction at the Final Judgment.”
“Ours is not a religion of rationalization nor a religion of perfectionism, but a religion of redemption — redemption through Jesus Christ.”
Personal Synopsis:
Again another speaking talking about the accumulation of wealth being a bad thing. The irony is still not lost on me.
Speaking as a “worldly” person I can say that the world is not black and white. Non-believers do not sit around scheming to rob banks or murder people. Nor do we go around preaching that there are no consequences for “sin”. This fear-mongering is a classic tactic of a high control religion that is interested in keeping people from looking outside of the church for comfort.
Fifth Speaker: Clarke G. Gilbert - Of the Seventy (Skip to 1:10:12 for this talk) - ‘Becoming More in Christ: The Parable of the Slope’
Topic(s): realising your divine potential, look to keep the standards of the church, focus on improving your spiritual potential
Key Points:
Tells a story about struggling with academic learning his whole life and that it was not till his mission that he systematically involved the Lord in his development that he saw the difference in his learning
Gilbert shows the formula for a line and says that the intercept can have either a high or a low starting point. The slope of the line can then be positively or negatively inclined. We all have different intercepts in life, we start in different places with different life endowments. Some are born with high intercepts full of opportunity, others face beginning circumstances that are challenging and seem unfair. We then progress along the slope of personal progress. Our future will be determined far less by our starting point and much more by our slope.
Christ considers what we do with what we are given. While the world focuses on our intercept, God focuses on our slope.
Shares two areas of encouragement for those with difficult starting circumstances:
Focus on where you are headed and not where you began - Your circumstances are real and need to be addressed, but over-focusing on a difficult starting point can cause it to define you and constrain your ability to choose. [Anecdotal story about working with inner-city youth and the temptation to confuse empathy and concern for their situation with the desire to lower God’s standards. He realised the most powerful way to show love was to never lower his expectations]. This was a lesson on elevating your slop to lead a better life e.g. having temple marriage, serve a mission
Involve the Lord in the process of lifting your slope - By grace we are saved and can live our divine potential. the Lord’s can help you more than you can ever help yourself.
Council for those with elevated starting points
Show some humility for the circumstances you may not have created yourself - We have all drunk from wells we did not dig and warmed ourselves by fires we did not build. Failure to re-seed the fields planted by others can be the equivalent of returning a talent without increase.
Focus on a high starting point can trap you into feeling that you are thriving when your inner slope is stagnant - the most successful people are humble. Be confident enough to be corrected and learn from everyone. Accept and seek correction and look to improve through prayerful petition.
Releasing our ultimate potential when we make God our partner. Each of us can become something more in Christ. No other organisation gives its members more opportunities to serve, give back, repent, and become better people.
Keep your sights and slopes pointed towards heaven
“ In this Church we believe in the divine potential of all of God’s children and in our ability to become something more in Christ. In the Lord’s timing it is not where we start but where we are headed that matters most”
“In the Lord’s calculus he will do everything he can to help us turn our slopes towards heaven. This principle should give comfort to those who struggle and pause to those who seem to have every advantage”.
“show some humility for the circumstances we may not have created ourselves. As former BYU president Rex E. Lee quoted to his students, we have all drunk from wells we did not dig and warmed ourselves by fires we did not build”
Personal Synopsis:
Without looking into things too deeply this talk can seem harmless, but if you take into account all of the recent issues the LDS church have faced as they continue to treat the LGBTQ+ community in a terrible way you can see that this can be a very pointed message.
This talk easily ties in with the message that Holland gave at BYU when he talks about never lowering the Church’s standards, and that this is a “loving” measure that must be taken.
At one time I also believed that this was true. That saying “love the sinner, hate the sin” was not harmful. Fortunately, I now realise that this is not the case, and it is these types of beliefs that are causing emotional trauma to people.
There is nothing wrong with striving to be a better person, giving more to the community, being more patient, or understanding. But believing in a God is not a prerequisite for this behaviour, and there are plenty of opportunities to give back to the community outside of the LDS church.
Sixth Speaker: Patricio M. Giuffra - Of the Seventy (Skip to 1:20:08 for this talk) - ‘A Faithful Search Rewarded’
Topic(s): restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith, ask with a sincere heart if the BoM is true,
Key Points:
Questioning religion as a young person and visit different denominations. One day saw two missionaries leaving the house of a neighbour and he felt they looked special. When he spoke to the neighbour they advised that their family had been baptised into the LDS church and invited him to meet the missionaries.
He learned about the bible and the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith. During the lessons the spirit confirmed to him several truths:
God listens to all his children sincere prayers, and heaven is open to all and not just a few
God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the holy ghost are three separate beings who are united in their purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men
We are created in God’s image. God the Father and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bone just like us but they are glorified and perfected. The Holy Ghost is a person of a spirit
Through Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ restored the Gospel and True Church to the Earth. The Priesthood that we have now is the same that was in the Bible
The Book of Mormon was written by ancient Prophets it tells of the people who lived in the Americas before, during, and after the birth of Jesus Christ.
Invites everyone to continue to increase their faith in Christ
“The Spirit moved me profoundly as I learned of the Saviour’s declaration to them [the people of the Americas], behold I am Jesus Christ whom the prophet testified shall come into the world”
“God listens to all His children’s sincere prayers, and heaven is open to all — not just a few.”
“I invite us all to continually increase our faith in Christ, who has changed the lives of my beloved mother and me and continues to change the lives of all who seek Him.”
Personal Synopsis:
This talk was more of a very long testimony talk than an actual talk. Giuffra bore his testimony that the Church is true by telling his story of conversion.
Sixth Speaker: Dallin H. Oaks - First Counselor, First Presidency (Skip to 1:32:37 for this talk)- ‘The Need for a Church’
Topic(s): you need to attend meetings or God will reduce his blessings, The bible says you need church, pay tithe, live the WoW, listen to the council of leaders
Key Points:
People feel that they can be good enough without going to church. They teach their children honesty and virtue, telling themselves that is all the church would do for them.
Oaks speaks to everyone who has stopped attending church across all denominations. He is concerned that attendance is down among all of them nationwide.
If we stop valuing our churches for any reason we threaten our personal spiritual life, and a significant number separating themselves from God reduces his blessings to our nations.
The bible and modern revelation teach the need for a church. Attendance can open our hearts and sanctify our souls. It can help us overcome personal selfishness that can retard our spiritual growth. the church helps us grow spiritually and grow nearer to the Lord.
If the [church] service is a failure to you, then you have failed
Members who forgo church attendance and rely only on individual spirituality separate themselves from the gospel essentials like the power and blessings of the priesthood, the fullness of restored doctrine, the motivations and opportunities to apply that doctrine. They forfeit their opportunity to quality to perpetuate their family for eternity
The Church has doctrine, procedures, and inspired helpers to assist you to repent. Their purpose even in membership councils is not punishment (like the outcome of a criminal court) they seek to help you qualify for the mercy of forgiveness. Individual spirituality can seldom provide the motivation and structure for unselfish service provided by the church e.g. going on a mission doing temple work
by not attending church you miss out on paying tithing, living the WoW, listening to counsel of inspired leaders, the sacrament, the covenant of marriage,
Good works do not always take place in a church, but they are a manifestation of the eternal truth that the spirit giveth life to every man that cometh into the world. Despite the good works that can be accomplished without a church, the fullness of doctrine and its saving and exhaling ordinance are available only in the restored church
“Attendance and activity in a church helps us to become better people and better influences on the lives of others. In church we are taught how to apply religious principles, we learn from one another. A persuasive example is more powerful than a sermon”.
“Members who forgo Church attendance and rely only on individual spirituality separate themselves from these gospel essentials: the power and blessings of the priesthood, the fulness of restored doctrine, and the motivations and opportunities to apply that doctrine.”
“some say that attending Church meetings is not helping them. Some say I didn#t learn anything today, or no one was friendly to me, or I was offended. Personal disappointment should never keep us from the doctrine of Christ who taught us to serve, not to be served”
“Our worship and application of eternal principles draw us closer to God and magnify our capacity to love.”
Personal Synopsis:
People do not need a church to be good, or to help people. There are plenty of opportunities for this outside of organised religion.
Is finding a community as easy, possibly not. But they do exist and unlike the LDS church they will not place constraints on what you wear, what you eat/drink, or who you love.
I have found a loving and welcoming community online and in-person with people who do not believe in God. They actively seek to make a positive difference in the world and their kindness does not come with strings attached.
The Church needs its members to go to church and attend church meetings/activities because it keeps people so wrapped up that it is hard for them to really examine their beliefs.